• Pet Cardiology Services | Cave Veterinary Specialists

cardiology services at Cave VetsCardiologists at Cave Vets

At Cave Veterinary Specialists, Somerset, our cardiology services are provided by Jo Harris and the team of highly skilled cardiologists from Heart Vets. This partnership ensures that the cardiology care given to every client is the best possible for optimal heart health.

Cardiology in pets is a highly specialised field that allows for the diagnosis and treatment of heart conditions that can range from mild murmurs to serious and life threatening conditions such as arrhythmias or even heart failure.

Working with Heart Vets the team at Cave Veterinary Specialists are dedicated to providing pets with the best cardiac care, helping them look ahead to a happier and healthier life.



Cardiac Care Offered

We offer all aspects of cardiac investigation, including:

  • Heart murmurs
  • Collapse/exercise intolerance
  • Arrhythmia assessment/management

As well as these services, we also offer the investigation of and management of pericardial and pleural effusions.

There is often considerable overlap with other disciplines such as internal medicine, neurology and surgery where a cardiac assessment may become necessary during investigation or treatment. If a cardiac patient needs additional investigation to reach a final diagnosis specialist from our other multi-disciplinary teams are on hand to help.



All cardiac investigations at Cave Veterinary Specialists are performed using the latest specialised equipment, including high-quality cardiac ultrasound with colour flow/spectral Doppler and tissue Doppler imaging, digital ECG, and Holter monitors. Echocardiography is almost always indicated; however, this and any further tests are discussed fully in initial consultations and patient examinations. At this point, if any other services may also be required, this will be discussed.

The Heart Vets team can also perform cardiac interventional surgery (keyhole surgery). Utilising the state-of-the-art imaging equipment, and working closely with our anaesthesia and surgical teams, we are able to provide the best care for all patients.


Cardiology Procedures Offered:

Cardiology Procedures offered at Cave Veterinary Specialists include:

  • Catheter closure of patient ductus arteriosus
  • Pulmonary balloon valvuloplasty for management of severe pulmonic stenosis
  • Permanent pacemaker implantation.

If you require more information about cardiac interventional surgery, this can be found on Heart Vets here.


Meet Our Cardiology Team

At Cave Veterinary Specialists, we aim to provide the best and highest standards of care for every patient that comes into our care. If you have a client in need of specialist cardiology for their pet, please contact us about a referral to Cave Veterinary Specialists in Somerset today.

Our team of cardiologists are highly skilled and experienced in all areas of heart related veterinary care. Working alongside the experts from Heart Vets, and supported by our own multi-disciplinary teams, referred patients are in the safest hands.

Find out more about our Cardiology Team online.


Veterinary Facilities Available

Cave Veterinary Specialists are home to some of the most advanced veterinary facilities, including:


Location & Directions

Location & Directions - Click here for our location on Google Maps

The Cave Veterinary Specialists practice is located in West Buckland, Somerset.

We are located just off junction 26 of the M5 motorway, and we have prepared a set of simple directions to help you find out practice as easily as possible.

Click here for directions

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