• CPD - Online Webinars | Cave Veterinary Specialists

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We’re making our CPD presentations available to view for free as Online Webinars. To access any of these presentations please click on the links below.

Disclaimer: The information contained within this website is intended to be viewed by UK veterinary surgeons and nurses only.

 Tom Cardy  

Tom Cardy
EBVS® European Specialist in Veterinary Neurology and RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Neurology

How to approach neurotrauma in practice

Neurotrauma, including traumatic brain injury (TBI) and acute spinal cord injury (SCI), is a relatively common emergency in small animal veterinary medicine that requires thorough patient assessment and a systematic approach to case management. In this webinar Tom covers initial investigations and the immediate support patients may require. He also looks at the levels of intervention that may be required and how, with an appropriate response to initial management and stabilisation, the outcome for neurotrauma patients can be a positive one.

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(Duration 75 Minutes)

 Vanessa Woolhead  

Vanessa Woolhead
Internal Medicines Specialist

Feline azotaemia and ureteric obstructions

Chronic kidney disease is a common condition affecting our geriatric cats; however, alternative underlying causes of azotaemia, including ureteric obstructions, should be excluded in order for us to provide the most appropriate treatment. In this his webinar Vanessa reviews the pathophysiology of azotaemia to enable vets to perform vital diagnostics and provide their clients with available treatment options.

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(Duration 55 Minutes)

adam swallow  

Adam Swallow
Clinician in Small Animal Medicine

“Where has all the colour gone?” A guide to investigating Anaemia

In this webinar Adam talks through the general approach to investigating anaemia in dogs and cats. He looks at the differential diagnoses options and discuss the alternative treatment options available for this condition.

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(Duration 70 Minutes)

Management of Coagulopathy

Adam discusses how to approach a dog/ cat with a suspected coagulopathy including clinical examination findings, diagnostic investigations and common differential diagnoses. He also discuss the indications for commonly used blood products in a practice setting and the differences between them.

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(Duration 58 Minutes)

Approach to haematuria - Calming the “troubled water”

In this webinar Adam discusses the differential diagnosis for haematuria alongside the diagnostic approach. He also discusses the different treatment approaches available.

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(Duration 63 minutes)

malcolm jack  

Malcolm Jack
EBVS®European Specialist in Small Animal Surgery

Patella Luxation

Patellar luxation is a common cause of hind limb lameness in dogs. This presentation is a summary of this condition including, clinical exam/diagnostics, some surgical tips and options for patellar luxation with concurrent cranial cruciate ligament rupture.

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(Duration 41 Minutes)

Options for wound closure

In this presentation Malcolm addresses the challenge of wound closure when simple primary skin closure is not possible. A variety of closure options are discussed, with a couple of particularly useful techniques addressed in more detail to hopefully aid in their application in practice if, and when those challenging cases are presented.

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(Duration 1 hour 20)

Simon Bertram  

Simon Bertram
EBVS® European Specialist in Veterinary Neurology

Limitations of CT imaging for neurology patients

In this webinar Simon discusses the use and limitations of CT imaging for neurology patients. He looks at the indications for assessing both the vertebral column and the head in patients but also explores the limitations of CT for this type of investigation.

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(Duration 70 Minutes)

Congenital vertebral malformations in Brachycephalic breeds – Part 1.

Simon discusses congenital vertebral malformations that are often present in Brachycephalic breeds.

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(Duration 53 Minutes)

The Seizuring Patient

In this webinar Simon provides a quick guide on what to do and what not to forget in the situation of an emergency with epileptic seizures. Covering assessment, differentials, emergency care, drugs and stabilisation.

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(Duration 55 Minutes)

Neurological Mimics

Cats and dogs referred to neurology services sometimes do not have an underlying neurological disorder. The differences can be subtle, so in this CPD webinar RCVS and EBVS® European Specialist in Veterinary Neurology Simon Bertram discusses non-neurological differentials for "neurological" presentations and how to spot them.

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(Duration 63 Minutes)

Anna Nutt  

Anna Nutt
EBVS®European Specialist in Small Animal Surgery

Management of open fractures in dogs and cats

This webinar provides an refresher on types of open fractures, as well as the best practice approach to their initial management and definitive treatment.

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(Duration 40 Minutes)

Getting the most from an Orthopaedic exam

This webinar goes through the keys steps in performing a thorough orthopaedic exam. There are video demonstrations throughout, including specific diagnostic manoeuvres and a focussed neurological exam.

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(Duration 43 Minutes)

Is hip scoring relevant in general practice?

In this CPD session Anna talks about canine hip dysplasia. She looks to educate practices about the pitfalls of traditional screening systems (hip scoring as it is more commonly known). As well as an overview of the condition, Anna then goes through diagnostic techniques before explaining about 'traditional' screening systems and comparing them to the newer and now recommended PennHIP (Pennsylvania Hip Improvement Program).

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(Duration 48 Minutes)

Pippa Tucker  

Pippa Tucker
Clinical Anaesthetist BVSC MSc MRCVS

Crafting personalised anaesthetic plans

In this webinar Veterinary Anaesthetist Pippa Tucker walks you through how to create an individualised anaesthetic plan for your patients. She includes a review of pharmacology and discusses how the patient examination can be used to create a list of anaesthesia considerations. All this will help to create a plan that is unique for each patient.

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(Duration 62 Minutes)

Difficult intubation in cats & dogs

This seminar gives an overview of the causes of challenging airways at tracheal intubation and extubation of dogs and cats, the available methods of managing difficult intubation, advice and tips for how to utilise the clinical team during emergency situations, and decision making around escalation to more invasive intubation techniques.

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(Duration 59 Minutes)

nicki grint  

Nicki Grint
EBVS® European Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia & Analgesia and RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia

Pre-anaesthesia; the owner's role at home and stabilising the patient

Following the recently released 2020 AAHA guidelines on anaesthesia in dogs and cats, Nicki gives an overview on the recommendations and provide a useful summary for vets and vet nurses working in general practice.

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(Duration 44 Minutes)

During the anaesthetic; monitoring and managing the anaesthetic

In her second presentation looking at the 2020 AAHA guidelines, in this session, Nicki focuses on what to do during the anaesthetic procedure. What should you be doing in terms of monitoring the patient and managing their anaesthetic.

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(Duration 43 Minutes)

Post anaesthetic; recovery and going home

Following the 2020 AAHA guidelines, in this third session Nicki focuses on what to do after the procedure and ensuring patients make the best possible recovery.

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(Duration 31 Minutes)

Mark Owen  

Mark Owen
BVSc CertSAO FRCVS Orthopaedic Surgeon

Decision making in long bone fractures

Fracture failure invariably can be attributable to poor choices made in the presurgical planning process. This presentation will seek to navigate the key decisions, give hints and tips and hopefully increase your success rates in the management of fractures in the long bones of cats and dogs.

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(Duration 54 Minutes)

Mark Owen  

Jo Harris
RCVS Recognised Specialist in Cardiology

An update on feline heart disease

In this CPD session Jo gives an update on the different classification and clinical stages of feline cardiomyopathy in line with the new ACVIM consensus statement. She also provides practical guidance on when and how to medicate.

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(Duration 63 Minutes)

 frances taylor brown  

Fran Taylor-Brown
EBVS® European Specialist in Veterinary Neurology and
RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Neurology

Non-surgical conditions of the spinal cord

Veterinary patients commonly present with paresis or plegia and these patients require emergency evaluation and treatment.

In this CPD lecture we cover history and neurological examination in evaluating patients presenting with paresis or plegia. In addition, we discuss creating a suitable differential diagnosis list as well as covering diagnostics and treatment options, with a focus on common non-surgical conditions of the spinal cord.

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(Duration 56 Minutes)

 frances taylor brown  

Helen Bye
Head Nurse

Everyone has mental health, not everyone has mental health awareness

Mental health is hidden - it can’t be seen, and it can’t be heard. No one knows if it is in good condition or poor condition and no-one asks. During this presentation Helen will raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing. What is mental health? What makes it good and what makes it poor? What are the symptoms of poor mental? They may be subtle, but they are there and poor mental health can be devastating. Know when and where to seek help and let’s work together to remove the stigma.

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(Duration 35 Minutes)

 Will McFadzean  

Will McFadzean
Head of Specialist Services

Becoming a more environmentally sustainable practice

In this CPD presentation, Head of Specialists Services and Environmental Champion Will McFadzean gives an insight into the steps taken at Cave Veterinary Specialist to make the practice more sustainable. He highlights the process needed to work towards achieving Investors in the Environment accreditation and gives practical examples of the steps others can use in the own clinics to reduce their carbon footprint and run a more sustainable practice.

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(Duration 57 Minutes)

 Erica Daly  

Erica Daly
Anaesthesia Clinician

Commonly encountered anaesthesia problems

In this CPD webinar Erica discusses the most common anaesthesia problems you’re likely to encounter in primary care. She reviews how to address these challenges when they arise and how best to care for these tricky patients.

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(Duration 50 Minutes)

 Sara Cermeno Fernandez  

Sara Cermeno Fernandez
Resident in Small Animal Medicine

An update on treating lymphoma in cats and dogs

There are multiple types of lymphoma and as a condition it can present in numerous ways. In this webinar Sara reviews the alternative presentations you may see, discusses diagnosis and looks at the latest treatment options available.

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(Duration 47 Minutes)

 Sabrina Gillespie  

Sabrina Gillespie
EBVS® European Specialist in Veterinary Neurology

A case-based approach to canine paraparesis

In this webinar Sabrina discusses how to approach canine paraparesis and reviews how to work up and treat canine patients presenting with this condition.

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(Duration 53 Minutes)

 Nele Van den Steen  - Clinical Director  

Nele Van den Steen - Clinical Director
EBVS® European Veterinary Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine and RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine

Gastro-intestinal neoplasia - when, where, what and how

In this CPD webinar Nele discusses the different tumours affecting the gastro-intestinal system in both dogs and cats. She looks at the symptoms to consider and the initial investigations. Nele also reviews the treatment options that will lead to the best possible outcome.

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(Duration 1hr 58 Minutes)

FIP - ‘From incurable to possible’

The treatment of Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) has been revolutionised in recent years. FIP has evolved from a universally fatal condition, to one where we can achieve very high treatment response rates, and excellent long-term prognoses. In this CPD webinar Nele shares the latest thinking on the treatment of FIP and how best we can care for patients.

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(Duration 45 Minutes)

 Nele Van den Steen  - Clinical Director  

Maria Perez Perez
Resident in Surgery

Open Wound Management

In this CPD webinar Maria will guide you through how to effectively manage patients presenting with open wounds. Using case-based examples she will look at the decision-making process around treating and managing these patients.

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(Duration 1hr 31 Minutes)

 Annabel McFadzean  

Annabel McFadzean
Head of Dentistry and Oral Surgery

Dentistry Surgical Extractions - Techniques & Complications

Dental extractions can be challenging so it is important to follow a logical approach and understand the important principles in order to achieve a good clinical outcome. In this presentation Annabel discusses the approach and specific techniques to use, providing tips along the way for the more ‘challenging’ teeth. Annabel will look at equipment required and the proper use of instrumentation, preparation for surgery, flap creation and handling, and ways to achieve tension-free closure.  The most common complications will be discussed: both how to avoid, and the best way to treat if they do occur.

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(Duration 30 Minutes)