Here at Cave Vets we are delivering a lockdown lifeline to help hard-up pet owners within their community.

We have launched our own pet food collection initiative which is aimed at supporting the local food bank in Taunton.
Cave’s hospital director Sarah Hicks, from nearby Taunton, says the centre is encouraging people to donate pet food to help families with animals who are suffering hardship as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Sarah said: “One of our nurses Jess, suggested linking up with the food bank and we all thought it was a great idea to focus on animal welfare during such testing times.
I contacted the food bank to ask if they would be interested and they were very keen, as it transpires that they have lots of clients who are struggling to feed their pets right now.

So we launched our pet food collection scheme and the team here at Cave has really embraced the idea. We soon amassed a mini mountain of dog and cat food which we’ve now handed over.
Initially this was going to be a one-off collection but the team here is keen to keep this going throughout the Covid crisis, as so many pet owners have found themselves without the means to buy pet supplies.
We’re also supporting the St Giles Animal Rescue in Taunton. We realise that some pet owners may have to make the really difficult decision to re-home their pet if they cannot afford to feed them. We made a £2,500 donation to the charity which has seen its funding become severely affected during the coronavirus outbreak.”