Senior surgery appointment

We’re delighted to announce the appointment of David Haine as our new Head of Surgery

David Haine will be a familiar face to referring vets and clients in his role as a surgeon for the past two years. In his new position, David will oversee soft tissue surgical care and orthopaedics, managing our industry-leading team of four European specialist surgeons and providing valuable input into overall strategic planning for the hospital.


David said: “We have a fantastic team of surgeons and nurses at Cave and I hope to be able to support them to continue providing high class surgical care in the south-west.

“As our team has expanded, it gives us opportunities to provide better and broader surgical support to vets across the region.

“I will support the team so we can help vets and animals who need us, but also to make sure we let people know about our expanded capacity and range of service.”

David graduated from the University of Cambridge in 2013 in veterinary medicine and his first role was working in a small animal practice in Devon for four years.

He then undertook a rotating internship at the University of Bristol, followed by a surgical residency at DWR Veterinary Specialists in Cambridgeshire.

In 2022, David moved back to Devon and took up his surgical role at Cave.

Among his most memorable cases was a seven-hour operation on a dog who had jumped off a 30ft cliff while out on a walk. The lengthy surgery involved fusing both carpi and it was a complete success with dog running again a few months later.

Outside of work, David enjoys spending time with his young family and also cycling the hills of Devon.